Face Treatments
Result Duration
6 Weeks
Treatment Time
30min - 1h
Back to work
6 Weeks
Potential Risk
Temporary mild redness and tenderness
Potential Risk
Temporary mild redness and tenderness
The renowned French physician Dr. Michel Pistor invented mesotherapy in 1952 as a means of treating vascular diseases and pain.
Mesotherapy, sometimes referred to as “biorejuvenation” or “biorevitalization,” is a procedure that uses a transdermal injection of a multivitamin solution and natural plant extracts to renew the skin. The idea behind this procedure is to improve the indications of aging skin.
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Want to make your skin glow?

Mesotherapy is a non-invasive non-surgical technique involves the usage of micro-injections, extracts of plants, vitamins and enzymes.
Mesotherapy process can be carried out with a plasma (rich with platelets). In this process your blood sample will be used. Platelets will be extracted from blood with a blood elements separator machine. After that, he/she will apply the extracted platelets to your skin where it is needed. As the process need very care, the results will also be very good.
It is very useful to remove the excess fats to tighten loose skin cells. It is very helpful in hiding the age effects. This technique is especially to remove the fats in the areas of buttocks, hips, thighs, arms, legs and face. Very helpful to fade the wrinkles and lines, to treat against hair loss, to raconteur body and lighten pigment skin.
In this technique, a series of injections insertion in the middle layer of body skin with the help of micro-needles.
Sometimes the insertion of injections in skin layer can cause inflammation and poor circulation, which may damage skin tissues. In this technique, there is not a standard set internationally. That is why, most of doctors and skin specialists develop their own method to treat people.
Free skin examination from our skin specialists
Consult with your doctor before getting any treatment. Our experts will recommend to avoid anti-inflammatory drugs, which should be used for 1 week before treatment to avoid any skin issue. Because these drugs can cause skin bleeding during mesotherapy.
Cost of treatment vary with respect to sessions you take. Cost of every session starts from £250 to onward depending upon the skin type.
During your appointment process flow, vary with respect to the skin care. Most of the time medicine apply on skin and mostly not. Several sessions’ conducts in which injections from 1mm to 4mm depth are inserted. Those injections may be linked with mechanical machine or not.
To get desire body shape, you can get several sessions until the results. In between these days, you have to visit doctor 3 to 15 times. At first, you can get injections in range from 2 weeks to 1 month.
This therapy has almost no recovery time. Many customers start work just after getting these treatments. Some of them starts working after 24 hours rest. However, there is no fix time for this.
If you want to remove your body fats and want a perfect body contour then, this treat is perfect for you. You can get this therapy at any time. It is a non-invasive treatment, which make your body align and help you to get skin shine within less possible time. Our skin specialist are highly trained and expert to help you to go throw these sessions with no pain and proper care.
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Mesotherapy Treatments
*Disclaimer* The results may vary as everyone it not alike. A number of factors plays a role in the results such as age, lifestyle choices and medical history.


*Disclaimer* The results may vary as everyone it not alike. A number of factors plays a role in the results such as age, lifestyle choices and medical history.


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